Friday, October 9, 2009

Shawar Ali

Shawar Ali, one of the most interesting looking and one of the best Indian male models. Gorgeous man with a hot bod.


  1. nice work Ash .. long time follower here .. from dubai ..still john and shahid are tops ;)

  2. wow cool and sexy shawar ali im big fan of him
    i wish him good luck throughout his life he is the best above all khan and nice wrk from ash.

    please post lots of pic of shawar ali ive seen 2 of his film and i become his big fan, the film was hawas and ab.. bus which was best of all.
    thxxx luv u shawar

  3. luv u shawar ali u are too sexy and cool im ur fan for ever wish u all the best throughout ur life lots of love
    nice work from ash
    keep it up
