Thursday, July 1, 2010

Ankur Nayyar

Ankur Nayyar, tv hottie, is one of the most under-rated hunks on the idiot-box today. He's so cute, and those sharp angular features, there's a hunk there. Haven't seen him in ages, hope he has't put on weight as his looks are better refined, toned and sharp. pics here from z dand. but always on the lookout for this hottie's shirtless shots. loving the first pic esp, shirtless, hot, hairy-chested (but not too much like anil kapoor), those abs are great and esp the biceps. hunky hunk

Ankur Nayyar was also a Gladrags hottie so dying to find his speedo shots. anyone??


  1. Hooooooooottttttttttttestttt

  2. Ankur is such an extremely good looking dude. I remember he acted in the serial "Jeet" around 2003. He had lot of fans back in the day, what with his impressive physique and clean cut features.

    I remember this scene in the serial where the villains conspire to get him drunk and then ensure he wakes up in bed (apparently naked)! :-0 ;-) , next to a woman who claims he seduced her the night before. (Vaguely reminiscent of that Akshay--Shilpa Shetty scene in MKTA, however that was the lead pair in the film who land up together ofc, whereas this was a trap in the serial)!

    Anyhow, Ankur is shown sitting up in bed with the sheets placed strategically low---and I mean *really* low, on his waist :-) He really rocked that scene, with his lithe, muscular frame with that natural smattering of body hair.

    Sigh. Wish men would man up to show natural body hair (albeit trimmed) on screen, and not depilate/manscape to such an artificial degree as most stars do these days!
