Wednesday, June 1, 2011

1.7 Million Views!!

WOW! 1.7 million views. thank you to all viewers. and i'm so glad this blog is connecting the right people with the right models. 4 male models whose pics were on this blog landed magazine shoots and a casting for an ad. Until you get the seal of approval from SBM, you're not hot! lols. thank you all.

Repost of hottie Rajat Bedi in speedos. wish he was still this fit! damn, what a body he used to have!


  1. congrats man....keep posting good stuff. blogs page view is 2.79 million. u can moderate out this comment if u want to.

  2. thanks!
    Well, we have no nudes in the group, with no offense intended, I do think the quality's better here and slowly but surely, this group will reach greater heights for sho'!

  3. why put some nudes...we all luv them!:)
