Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Upen Patel

we had already fainted at the sight of unzipped, in his underwear ab-tastic shots of Upen Patel posted earlier and this new image has leaked on the net and made us leak. how freakin' hot does sexy stud Upen Patel look? that body. those abs. that underwear pulled low. A http://shirtlessbollywoodmen.blogspot.com/ original. we try to keep things hot for ya don't we? pls help us quash out the fakers who copy our posts image per image and text by text. sigh.

click to enlarge


  1. Dear Ash,you are the best..I really wonder how do u manage to post such freaking hot pics everytime..
    my god..kudos to u dear..
    Keep up with the gud work mate..
    Love u..��������

  2. I wish he hadn't shaved his pubes !! :(

    U r raising the bar ash ..with ever post!looking fwd to raunchier stuff ...

    There are several rumours online of nude pics of himanshu malik..it would be wow if u could lay ur hands on them and post them here !! :P
