Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Kunal Kapoor

Kunal Kapoor is just a handsome, handsome, handsome Indian man. there needs to be more of him. esp more sexy shirtless shots. we haven't found any new ones but just semi-shirtless (for which many will have a semi- for! lolzz)  sexy shots of hottie Kunal Kapoor. here are some new snaps we found on tumblr of him in just a vest. 

sadly he doesn't always impress on screen as there still hasn't been a 'pow' role where he's left an impression that's elevated his fame game. but one lives in hope. in pics, damn, he comes off beautiful. there are very few desi actors who need that facial hair that works real good. and we've seen him without the beard - meh. its better with that fuzz to frame his beautiful, artful face. 

as a tall drinka-water, he'd look good in a speedo at the beach. 'cause he's lean and mean. but sadly, we barely see him with hts top off. so one lives in hope yet again. come on hottie, take it offffffff.

1 comment:

  1. What r u saying?? He has posed shirtless for Dabbo Ratnani. He has appeared shirtless in Hatrick, RDB & Luv Shuv. He has even bared his butt n RDB. I dont thnk it will be big deal for him to expose in speedos.
