Sunday, June 1, 2014

Hottest Indian Male model

Is sexy InderBajwa last of the great supermodels in Mumbai? we think so. his amazing body - that's an 8-pack, not 6 - and that versatile face makes him top our list. we wish he would top us but thats another story.

he's not shy to show off that hot, hot bod. we love. makes him one of the best ever cause he looks amazing in a suit, sherwani or shirtless or semi-nude. . look there are innumerable new faces and new hot bods ruling the catwalk - many out of Punjab (the North Indian hunks are taking over the catwalk, fit as heck) but no one has matched up to the success of sexy Inder Bajwa - not even his younger bro Avtaar (who also has a rockin' bod but he just seems angry in all his shots right?). sigh.

we crush on this hot Punjabi. if only he'd pose more, wear less. esp pose with the amazing work of francois mathys. whos work we crush on.

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