Sunday, November 23, 2014

The Guys in Vogue (India!)

So, we picked up vogue india. loved it. great shoot. then had a moment to think about these hot guys in the spread.... there are SOOOOO many super fit, gorgeous Indian guys hitting the gym. couldn't they find two sexy Indian male models? lean and mean ones with fantastic physiques and faces? for the spread, they could have killed it. we've really got to get over a nation being in awe of white models. sexy vidyut jamwal for example would have been hotter than any of the above here. we also have the same rant against underwear companies in Indian flying in western male models for underwear campaigns. there are innumerable hot guys - many of the best we've posted here - who could do the job for a fraction of the cost and do it better.ok, rant over. DESI hotties only at

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