Sunday, March 29, 2015

Prateek Jain

Prateek Jain makes his first appearance at SBM. nice body (er.. dunno about the bulge) but hot guys with bears and great bods are rare so happy to have him on the list. lets see what else this non-shy mod comes up with. apparently he's mr india or something. no not anil kapoor (giggles) but ya know, the male beauty pageant winner.

hotties only at


  1. Do u see any bulge ? I think he def needs to put a sock in his underwear to multiply the hotness factor. Def a sexy guy

  2. Where is the bulge ? Need to stuff a sock in his underwear for sure. But otherwise a sexy as hell man. Love his tattoo and beard.

  3. he is so freakin' perfect !!! a deserving Mr India....will always love him. and growers are anytime better than showers ! ;p

  4. He has def gotta small one...5 or 5.5 probably....
