Saturday, May 2, 2015

Gurmeet Choudhary

i know he's popular, but there's a 'hot' factor missing in Gurmeet Choudhary. but he's so popular. and the abs aren't bad. so here is Gurmeet Choudhary shirtless. nice body shot. love the tan. hot indian tv hunks only at


  1. I want him on my bed naked...lets have some fun gurmeet;-)

  2. I think part of the reason for the "hot" factor missing is that Gurmeet generally comes across as too self aware, too preening, too vain. There needs to be a certain degree of rugged earthiness, a certain edginess to qualify as a manly man.

    Funny thing is that Gurmeet, despite having such an impressive physique, perhaps falls short in that elusive je na sais quoi department.
