Thursday, September 10, 2015

Abhinav Shukla

sooo many reasons to follow sexy Abhinav Shukla on instagram. he posts images of his ridiculously hot body. shots of him in speedos, semi-naked and hot. whoaa. hot indian guys only at


  1. He is a complete sex material.
    Butts nd dicks

  2. That last photo is just awesome. Am sure it's a camera angle and he's actually wearing briefs (strap covered by his fist) but boy, it does look as if he's nude in that shot. ;-)

    So many appealing things in that photo---Abhi's chest, biceps, abs, thighs, those delectable chocolate-brown nipples on his coffee colored skin.... ;-) ;-)

    My only slight grouse....and this is the teeniest of gripes. ;-) Wish he would sport some chest hair, at least just a trimmed crop. It would take his hotness level into the ionosphere!
