Monday, February 8, 2016

Sharman Joshi's kick ass Body

we had posted a hot shot of a hot nerd earlier and after the earlier post of Bollywood's non-sexy men, we got a fan of Sharman Joshi contradicting our post. so here are some pics for the fans.

the body's amaaaaazing. wonder if this has anything to do with Saahil Khan - both starred in Style together. and Saahil was crazy buff and Sharmani was skinny. the body's a wonderland now all right....

Shirtless Bollywood Men only at


  1. Sharmann U made me cum ..... So hot he his fuckkk

  2. Wanna suck that chest

  3. Fuck, my cock got hard looking at this. Look at his big nipples, they need to be played with whole night
