Monday, August 15, 2016

Gautam Rode stripping his top

Gautam Rode is simply one of the hottest hunks on TV. That body is ridic. He just turned 39. And yes, 39 is officially the new 29 'cause he looks better now than he ever did. damn that body!  Hot Indian tv stars only at

1 comment:

  1. Gautam Rode's seriously got one of the best physiques ever. So very sculpted and chiseled, he looks like a masterpiece by Rodin or Michelangelo. :-) Despite being so buff and ripped, he hasn't overly bulked up either. Kudos to him for maintaining that lithe, limber athleticism balanced with his superbly muscular body. He's rather on the short side---guessing 5' 6" to 5' 7" max! So its great that he's managed to maintain a proportionate physique even now that he's almost 42.
