Sunday, September 16, 2018

Karan Wahi topless and in shorts yass

karan wahi is super cute, hella hot. has an amazing body. he never seems to have a girlfriend or even alleged romance or hook up... hmmm... any goss guys? that body is sickkkkk. dayumn fella. yass hunty on the instagram shots of him shirtless always. his face is starting to wrinkle a lot tho'... and his 'career' in Bollywood hasn't really taken off yet. tv hottie fo ' sho'. hmm.


  1. Thinks for a very interesting post.That is an extremely smart written article

  2. he's soooo hot and uber sexy. i want him in my bed ready to have some fun.

  3. Karan looks better with a fuzzy chest! Wish dudes like Karan Wahi and Sid Malhotra would sport a hairy chest (albeit trimmed). They'd look so much more rugged and earthy, if they were nonchalant about sporting body hair!

  4. Karan looks absolutely lava-hot with some fur on those sculpted pecs of his! Wish he'd stop waxing so much.

    As for goss about him- Heh. Nothing even remotely concrete, but there has been casually light hearted/ wishful thinking type of speculation for some time. Started off with all that touchy-feely shirtless horseplay on TV, between Karan and the equally hot Gautam Rode, when they were hosting Nach Baliye together.

    It was just in jest probably, as Gautam got married last year. But Karan and Gautam did make for an extremely macho and handsome (wishful thinking) couple! ;-)

    Then of course was the on-TV kiss on the lips which Karan bestowed on his best bud Rithvik Dhanjani, while hosting India's Next Superstars. But again, this seemed to be more for shock value/jest, as Rithvik has a steady GF and he & Karan call each other "soul brothers".

    So no concrete goss as such, but all the same one can definitely conclude Karan doesn't have any hangups about close bromances.
