Wednesday, October 10, 2018

Varun Dhawan's cleavage.

sure its a thang. lol. sexy as hell Varun Dhawan has never been shy of showing of those abs. ever. thank god. he's a tiny little thing but you know good things come in small packages. ;0) drooling over this beautiful man from Bollywood. yass hunty.

1 comment:

  1. "Tiny little thing" ;-) ;-) Yikes, let's hope for his sake that description doesn't apply as an "overall" one ;-) Just joking! :-)

    But seriously, Varun's a very good looking dude and respect the work he's put into building and maintaining his physique. Just one thing that it does seem he's got a bit too muscled for his height.

    There was a statistic published by a Fitness mag recently which indicated ideal Lean Body Muscle Mass based on height, and the muscle mass range which most people found attractive on a built guy. With Varun, it does seem he's right at the borderline of being too bulked up for his rather modest height. Would look hotter if he a) got a bit leaner with a "V" shaped physique rather than bulk and b) nonchalantly showed a bit more body hair than he normally does. The fully waxed look seems weird on a dude.
