Sunday, March 17, 2019

Farhan Akhtar shirtless - damn that body

The worst singer in Bollywood - but my how success covers up for the sheer lack of vocal talent - but the one of the best writer, director and surprise, actors in Bollywood, we have been crushing on Farhan Akhtar long before he got hot. perhaps its something saposexual about him - the mind and humour is soooo appealing... then he got fit for films. and dayumnn baby, he hella hott.

anddd did you know in a dance competition when he was young, he beat 'the' Hrithik Roshan?! didn't believe it at first then we saw him dance and he's soooo smooth. so natural. so masculine. so fit. oh yesss hunty yess.

seen here shooting for dabboo ratnani's calendar. look at those abs. we think he (and Rahul Khanna) has the perfect body. its not too buff and unrealistic and its not too scrawny,... its JUST right. tight. fit.

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