Monday, October 21, 2019

John Abraham

A thing of beauty is a joy forever. Joyful John Abraham!! Trimmed pubes I guess..

1 comment:

  1. Wuhuuuuu! ;) Thanks for letting us know then. And boi, what a pic to choice and what a pic to suggest the choice! Isn't this like one of the sexiest shots a male bolly celeb ever?! This is a perfectly chiselled sculpture every part of which is fit to felt and relished and almost worshipped. I look at him and am immediately filled with jealousy at the massive fortune of those who have ever even if only once have had the luck to ride him or be pressed down by that giant chiselled ironberg. Gaaaawwwwwwd! I could come just by looking at this picture. This man must have bored a perpetual leak in many a woman's between-the-thighs. But I so miss his bulge! I am sure it's so huge that they conservatively smoothen the 'king's royal seat' out. Ahem ahem.
