Monday, December 23, 2019

Searching for Ratheesh Raj

So there are soooo many fake accounts, emails, fb, pinterest and what not on this South Indian hottie - Ratheesh Raj (who also appears with other names after being trolled) that its actually affecting his career. A genuine company was trying to hire him for a shoot (after looking at his images done by master photographer Francois Mathys) - but so far fakes (and bad fakes wtf!) are flourishing online.

PS: anyone remember his early tumblr pics - hot shots that he eventually deleted. we've been searching for them foreva. damn that body!

we love hot Malu guys - Kerala hunks are not shy. wish the ones proliferating online would do a sit-up though. great faces, pudgy bellies and the self-delusional posts are a bit rancid!

Ratheesh is so far the hottest hunk from Kerala we've seen. prove us wrong - let us know about other genuine hotties below.

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