Saturday, January 25, 2020

Muzamil Ibrahim is on insta'

this gorgeous man is online at

Muzamil Ibrahim.

one of the hottest Indian male models. He was bang on on the career front when he started. top model at an early age. signed his first film by 21. and then...


The word hubris comes to mind.

He's still fit and gorgeous but slices of humble pie would help.

all the postulating on instagram with captions and quotes - some self reflection pls on how arrogant and difficult to work with you were.

crazy hot tho'. damn that body. and that perfect face.


  1. Best to enjoy his pictures - not his character. ;-)

  2. I don't know what's being talked about. I think he is a bit sexist. But he is also sooooo goddamn sexy. Like you want to cook and eat him up. Every bit of him.
