Friday, December 25, 2020

Red or dead: Merry Christmas to all SBM fans, loyal followers, subscribers: Shirtless Bollywood Men in Red Speedos

Bollywood actors in red speedos - Akshay Kumar, Sunny Deol, Punjabi mega hunks. Indian models in red speedos. Its season of red and green. Happy X(xx) mas to you all. 

Red or dead: Merry Christmas to all SBM fans, loyal followers, subscribers: Shirtless Bollywood Men in Red Speedos

Wanted to take a minute to thank and acknowledge fans who've been with us for 21 years. Shirtless Bollywood Men was a yahoo group for fans of Indian / Bollywood hunks. Nothing else. We were in college when we started the site. And here we are still. We have days when we think of shutting down and getting on with lives but - apart from the three or four trolls - mostly we get so much love and this site is a constant companion to many. So even on this busy Christmas day between lunches and dinners we are here to update for the singles, loners, the alone, the lonely - esp the lonely in a crowd. It is NOT easy, even i 2020, to be different, queer, or other or part of the alphabet community LBBTQ... etc in India, hell, in the region. The tides will turn eventually - just... not in our lifetime. So be strong, be brave - but more importantly be wise. Know when to stand your ground, and know when to run. We hear of so many tragic stories about what's happening in India, PK, Bangladesh... religion and politics makes strange bedfellows. sigh. SBM is with you. cheeky, naughty, but all in good fun. 

Happy holidays. be safe. xxx

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