Monday, February 22, 2021

Tiger Shroff in a tiny swimsuit: Hot bod of Bollywood's sexiest action star


Tiger Shroff in a tiny swimsuit: Hot bod of Bollywood's sexiest action star!

The shorts are getting smaller and smaller.. 

Can a stylist PLS send him a speedo already?!!


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  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. The shorts are really sexy. I can notice the bulge too despite the intelligent work done to kinda blur the definitions of the image. But my god is he HOTTTTT!!!! I could have him for my birthday cake- he is just so smooth and creamy white and well-cut. Fingers crossed for the shorts to go shorter still. Perhaps bikini briefs in the offing.

  3. Really disappointing to see this pic not getting the hits it deserves. The guy's a revolution. And the pic's as hot as the the hottest deserts during the afternoon. This coming from a non-fan.
