Saturday, June 12, 2021

Reality TV hunk in just a towel: Hot bod on model, actor, reality tv superstar


Big Boss 14 or whatever the season is - its such a vile reality tv show, showing the bottom basement of wannabes desperate for fame. that aside, we did watch it this season for the first time ever to watch our all time fav Gladrags hunk turned model turned tv star turned actor turned action star. ya, we adore abhinav shukla. he's cute, hot, fit as fk, and damn that body - esp his bubble butt.

for the first time we saw sexual harrasment, but this time subjected to men. it does happen and its on tape. rakhi is vile. rakhi sawant the loudmouth braying uneducated, tactless, classsless behaviour was borderline criminal. and we felt sorry for the hunk. the grabbing, the inappropriate touching was yuck. and should have stopped a long time ago. we were sooo team rubina and abhinav.

leave our hunks alone.

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