Tuesday, May 24, 2022

Our fav Insta hottie is back: Follow Gaurav Singh

We've been following and posting about Gaurav for a few months now - easily one of our top Insta' hotties and influencer on social media.

How is he influencing others? See his regular posts about working out, his positivity about commitment to diet and exercise, he doesn't post hate messages, he encourages the youth, actually he encourages everyone to get fit.

And this kick ass bodyyyyyyyy. damn 

Listen, when you have 'it' you gotta flaunt it. With age, it all goes, so while you're young and hot and have abs - flaunt it. 

All the desi food, the belly bulge sooner or later sticks out - we speak from sad experience. There was a time, when we could eat everything and the stomach was always flat. Now.. this ugly pear shape. #vom 

When we were Gaurav's age we started SBM. But we were never this hot or had this bold and beautiful body! 

Gaurav more pics, wear less! ;0)  

x Team SBM

You can follow the hunk at https://www.instagram.com/im___gauravv/

Hot guy in white briefs - whats not to like? 

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