Friday, November 11, 2022

Suveer takes it all off for the 'gram


Suveer takes it all off for the 'gram! If you google hard enough (hard being the operative word!), you'll find the hottie has taken it allllllllllll off for photographers. He's not the smartest tool in the shed. And he's a lot wider now than he was before... there's something charming and cute about him. those lips... hmm.

From Trinidad and Tobago... hence the accent. But don't tell me you haven't seen manyyyyyy guys who look like him down in the beaches of Chennai/Madras before?!! 

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1 comment:

  1. Yup, seen many guys just like him on the beaches of Chennai. Also, seen many guys just like Vidyut/Hrithik/Rnbir on the beaches of Ptown and Miami.
