Monday, April 24, 2023

Ori Ori Ori: Orhan Awatramani: Who dat? Why that?!

 Hmmm. Should we let Diet Sabya and other bloggers and social media know or let her discover for herself? 

 The new K Jo in the block. Young, entitled, useless (I mean does he have a job?), not that fit nor that cute, not that tall, not too short, he's just there. He's here there everywhere. On the arm of every young Bollywood female star and besties with all. Like how K Jo was in the early days. Everything we hate about rich kids and nepo kids all rolled into one bearded butter-ball. Jealous? nah. These days, everyone in Mumbai seems to have money and access. But what does it mount up to? The pouting, the particular angles he features. yessss. defo a young K Jo vibe. just younger and thinner. and probably not as bitter at karan. but then that comes with age. and perpetual singledom in a world full of couples. no? 

There are several articles about Ori online that reveal nothing. Its a particular skill set of Indian film journalism. Can do 500 words and have no information.... I mean we are a pot calling the kettle black. but then you don't come here for enlightenment or info, just hot pics. and today we didn't even give you that... er.. .so here's a pic of sexy Sid to make up for it. 


1 comment:

  1. As if incessant media vomit on this blaaady guy wasn't enough, you had to feature him here. You aptly summarized....noveau rich with money to burn. He doesn't even have the looks or personality to succeed in Showbiz, only money. Plus he is defo a friend of Dorothy's. I read a rare interview of him......reeked of brainlessness, privilege and lack of class.
