Sunday, December 10, 2023

A star shines in The Archies: But it wasn't the nepo kids: Hottie Vedang Raina is here to stay

 Lol - this trending meme of Vedang we saw before the film. after watching the movie on netflix, we agree. yes, he's the hottest thing in the movie. 

A star shines in The Archies: But it wasn't the nepo kids: Hottie Vedang Raina is here to stay. He slayed in every scene, you can't take your eyes off him when he's in the picture, yes, the passing resemablance to Ranveer Singh is there - many have noted... This cutie is the best thing in The Archies.

The gratuitous ab shot of him stripping off his shirt to jump in the water - yasssssssss. cute cute. fit fit. we counted the abs... 

So charming. and he carried off 'that' sensitive scene really well. 

Maybe we were projecting cause as nerdy youth, we had a crush on the school swimmer, diving captain - and he knew. and understood. and was very kind to us. till date. 

Straights supporting LGBTQ+ is the only way the world gets better. 

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