Sunday, January 20, 2019

We passed 32, 4000 00 views!!!

um. wow. we crossed a major benchmark. thank you to all regular viewers - esp those who have been with us since the yahoo group days.

Shirtless Bollywood Men has been around for nearly 20 years in its various avataars. the team has changed. several times. but we march on. much love to all. esp the LGBTQ community. esp the veiled ones in Asia - we feel your pain, struggle, joy and happiness.  we do this blog JUST FOR YOU. we make no money out of it. we could just keep the pics on our laptop and never share but we wanted to build our community. many of our pics go viral and we are fine with it. spread the love. xoxoxoxoox


  1. Who is he? Tahaa Shah?

    1. no some Turkish model who has been used in many Indian campaigns

    2. Zeasand Dand, could you please post yout Picasa web album link?

  2. Check out this hot guy...
