Saturday, June 15, 2019

The Most Handsome Man in Bollywood ever: Dharmendra

ok, so like long before gyms, six packs, and designerwear and stylists and selfies and wtf not, there was Dharmendra from Punjab. omfg - how beautiful was this gorgeous man?!

and its sad that his next gen (esp the gen even after that!) did not inherit his epic gorgeousness. Dharmendra was the most handsome man in the history of Bollywood and these rare pics from the past provide us ample evidence of how this young man from a village in the north of India came to Mumbai and conquered Bollywood.

Bet you he has some tales... that might never get revealed. Although rumours are he's working on a biography. hmm. bet he'll reveal little.

Anyhoo, see how handsome. There are tonnes of newcomers who hit the gym and work out like crazy and style themselves and their selfie (and face tune!) game is on point - but you'll never be as naturally gorgeous as Dharmendra was.

Just to go off on a tangent from our usual posts of SBM of shirtless Indian hunks. Dharmendra was so handsome, even when fully dressed, we drooled over him

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