Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Happy Birthday to SBM Icon Akshay Kumar

Akshay Kumar age age 52 and at age 25 in his sexy swimsuits. GOD DAMN how is this man hotter than ever?! 50 is the new 20 indeed. Well, just for him. That disciplined regiment and body - the abs! The legs! That fact. India's own Tom Cruise. He posted his sexy shirtless and in shorts shot as he turned 50+ The other image, Akshay Kumar in speedos from his early Bollywood days. From the film Mr Bond. Thoese were some tiny tiny red speedos. yasssss hunty. we've been dreaming about him since the early 90s. 

Happy Birthday Akshay Kumar - one of the riches men in India now. With a colourful sordid past that's been well recorded in the tabloids. But he's emerged from this sexy past unscathed. hot Dilf. 

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