Thursday, September 12, 2019

Indian newcomers are hot. Bearded ones esp. With Abs.

Meezaan Jaaferi and his fuzzy chest and his hot abs and his cute face... yassss. hot. fit. cute. hot. just hot. a fan requested more pics of newcomes and we are trying to comply to requests (not all requests as there are some crazy people out there YES YOU - you know who you are!).

We will be posting more hot newcomers and the best male models from India. but not all. just because they are in their underwear or nude on Instagram, doesn't mean we're going to post them. unlike many sites - many sadly that have gone down - we have some quality control in image selects.

anyhoo, let us know about who you want to see, send us tips, links, instagram profiles, images etc on notes below. we read all. we just don't publish all (omg some of the vulgarity! eeks.).

Anyhoo, back to biz. hottie Meezaan Jaaferi topless. he's punching through into your fantasies...

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