Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Grandmas react to the gay community

"In five or six years, it will be a non-issue." Hmm. Anyone else started crying? just me? ok. then.

The ugly truth; it'll be an issue for the rest of our lives. India has too many homophobic religious zealots, ignorance, intolerance. Homophobia will rage on for decades, if not the century. Gay excellence is not represented well; famous ones are still in the closet or leading double lives. There's an impoverisment of empathy - I used to think if people are educated they can't be sexist/racist/homophobic but they are. Whereas we've met random enlightened ones in the middle of nowhere who had a deeper understanding of humanity - not studied qualifications - but inner light and those empaths were ahead of teachers, politicians, doctors and that supposed educated ilk.

But... one lives in hope.

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