Thursday, July 2, 2020

We need Fawad Khan back in movies

Apart from being so dreamy looking - er.... he did get a little fat post Kapoor and Sons but praise be, he's back to being fit again - a faultless actor, the most perfect diction, such dreamy screen presence, a likability factor (anyone and everyone who's worked with him says he's divine), an articulate interviewee, Fawad Khan from across the border is... perhaps too freakin' good and made far too many insecure.

Now we are not one to propagate conspiracy theories but his ousting from Bollywood during a politically charged climate seemed.. convenient. Through no fault of his. Hmm.

But the cream always rises to the top; Fawad's fame is bound to grow in leaps and bounds. Just a matter of time. The more we see of his work, the more in awe we are. He is gifted.

BTW if you post and racist posts below, they will be automatically deleted and no one will see it so don't bother ok? 

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