Thursday, January 21, 2021

Missing in action: Kerala hottie Ratheesh Raj

Ratheesh Raj - one of our fav south Indian male models has gone a bit awol after incessant trolling. Trolling isn't just posting negative comments, its harassment, its written sexual aggression. 

There are many Indian men who have stopped or deleted or cancelled their social media accounts on account of many of YOU. 

Many of you need to check yourself before you post reckless thirst comments - there's such a fine line. 

One of the earliest examples we can think of is when Inder Bajwa did a shoot for an American magazine. It was a sensational shoot. It got a lot of clicks. And then... 

Another blog - very similar to ours - posted the same pics but with the most vulgar captions and blurbs. His then wife got upset, he got upset and it was a complete fiasco. The images had to  be taken down. there were threats. it was psychotic.

Find a kinder way to compliment people or just leave them alone. 

We have three trolls - we know your isp address - and it just goes to our spam folder immediately so we don't even see it. Now the trouble is. Not wasting energy on you hater. 

Spread some luv guys and gals. Don't be sad and despo'

Ratheesh - we miss your hotness. Hope you come back to modeling and your sensuous posts 

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1 comment:

  1. Bajwa was not married when he did that iconic shoot. He was "good friends" with a famous fashion designer!

    The marriage came much later.
