Monday, January 25, 2021

Not just Tiger, Muzamil Ibrahim released a music video. And its worse.

Good looking but daft, Muzamil Ibrahim released - of all things - a music  video. Tone deaf - not just musically, read his insta' posts and whoaa the hot man has several delusions. Why are the hot ones always soooo dumb... 

And so hot. we can't stop lookin' at his hotness. He's aged. no longer the hot ingenue from Kashmir... 

Our advice.... Keep working out. get hotter, already blessed with a great face and long and naturally lean body. Do work out videos, more modeling. More shoots with better photographers. get a following. And work yer way up. No more singing - dear lord know your strengths - eat some humble pie. Knock on some doors. diction lessons. acting lessons. if fame is really what you seek. And be kind. There are lot of lesser talents with lesser looks who work a lot more - cause they are nice people. nice people get repeat jobs. 

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Update: Oh someone requsted the video. um ok. Its called... I am the alpha. cause.. um.. I don't know. At least do what Tiger's team did. Auto-tuned the shit out of the songs. More shirtless shots would help click bait too. I mean, Tiger has no shirt on throughout the video. Boy knows what works for him! 

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