Friday, March 26, 2021

Top Ten Shirtless Bollywood Men 2021 - cumming soon. I mean coming soon.

You know we wrote this with so much effort and passion and research but hardly anyone read it. It didn't even break the Top Ten most viewed list - but I guess people come here for a look at hot shirtless men, not to read! 

But for 2021, we will compile a similar list again: Top Ten Most followed Shirtless Bollywood Hunks on Instagram

In 2020, the Number 10 spot belonged to mostly inactive Aamir Khan. And then he went ahead and deleted his account. 

With more trolls than fans, the cockroaches drive good people away. there are days even we think of shutting down.  we have ONE nasty pest on our case on a near-daily basis. But then we get about 40k views daily. Do we neglect the 39,999 for the sake of one sicko?! nah. 

Above: Shahid Kapoor wet and shirtless. And a little mooby... 

Await the list of Top Ten SBM hunks 2021. Will be out in May. An annual tradition we hope to continue. Also, we need help with Top Ten Indian male models, Top Ten south Hunks. Top Ten hot Indians in the west - be it UK/US/Europe.  We wannabe info-tainment. With hot pics of hot hunks. 

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