Sunday, July 3, 2022

Black Adam and Bro: A scratch that must be itched...

 Black Adam and Bro: A scratch that must be itched... 

Something similar between "Black Adam" and his friend/bro? "sweetlifeofgoeffrey" 

Such hot guys with hot abs. 

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  2. It's been ages, he was the most popular guy of my college. He was kind of a Casanova. I was in first year . He was in his final year. All senior girls of my hostel warned me about him. But i was so much attracted towards him and I confess my feelings to him. He was not into relationships and stuff. But man!! What a beast he was. He was a s*x god. Thinking about our encounters still give me goosebumps and makes me wet.
    It's sad that our affair was short. But best days of my life.
    Lately he is missing from Social media. I hope he is fine!!
