Friday, September 9, 2022

Support Ranveer Singh: His nude shoot was awesome and brave: Its 2022

 Support Ranveer Singh: His nude shoot was awesome and brave: Its 2022 - the losers who filed the case should be flogged instead. 

India has soooooo many problems, this is the least concern that should be grabbing headlines. Poverty, female foetacide, underage forced marriage, illiteracy, domestic abuse, child abuse, sexual abuse, the vast chasm of the mega rich and the dirt poor - these are far bigger crimes than a man taking his clothes off for the camera. 

No one forced anyone to watch it. Log off if you don't want to see -  no one is putting a gun to your head to watch. 

We freakin' love you Ranveer Singh.... 

Even though we weren't patircularly turned on by the nudes, it was more of a lol than a yummm. no? 

anyhoo, support the freedom of Ranveer! 

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