Friday, January 27, 2023

John Abraham in bed in his underwear: 50+ and hot as fk...

John Abraham in bed in his underwear:  50+ and hot as fk... 

Shout out to Hotties n Hotties and Diet Sabya for the images and the SBM fans (you know who you are rs, gm, dk etc etc) all who sent the same pic.

Diet Sabya on Instagram. 

We are an SBM community (haters et al). The very vocal haters thanks for helping the algorhthns we end up with better stats because of it. ;0)

But mostly to the SBM followers who have been with us now for 20+ years. omg. Four of us were in college when I started the sbm yahoo group! Two got married, one got divorced and I've been in a 4yr relationship now (recognised by the law in some places!)

Since the beginning - we always had John Abraham as an SBM icon... 

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