Monday, May 8, 2023

Sooraj Pancholi's amazing body: Free at last.


Sooraj Pancholi's amazing body... 

In the trial by twitter, a lot of twats painted him guilty with prejudice. Was sad. 

As an observer from far, though that poor girl's death was shocking, sad and tragic, had a moment to think, wow, this kid is being held in contempt by society judging him for the sins of the father (the exceedingly problematic Aditya Pancholi - just google his history!). 

Feel sad all around. For the girl, her mother, for this guy who lost a decade of his youth... 

There are two sides to a coin and two of this story. Don't just focus on one narrative. 

We will not stan for trial by social media. that's for sure. Opinions are not facts and vice versa. 

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