Sunday, June 25, 2023

Fitness model hits the beach: Beard, body, bulge, bikini

 Sahil Mankas hotness. 
Fitness model hits the beach: Beard, body, bulge, bikini

Can't seem to embed his Instagram images here no mo'... wonder why

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1 comment:

  1. He's got a very impressive physique, certainly. Doesn't it look a bit toooo broad for his height, though? A bit too bodybuilder himbo type? Makes him seem like a block of a Sequoia redwood tree trunk :-) Unfortunately, he doesn't have the most captivating of countenances either. In Malayalam, they have a term for these kind of looks in a man - not a polite one, unfortunately. "Kundi Mondha". Am not putting the translation here! :-) Suffice to say others like Upen Patel, Mimmy and Ratheesh Raj also come in the same category of features.
