Tuesday, June 20, 2023

Sexy back: Hottie in the pool. Guess who this is?


Comment below. 

Popular young Bollywood hottie. 

UPDATE: Many got it right immediately; its Varun Dhawan in the pool. 

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  1. My guess would be either Varun or Siddhant. Now you need to disclose who it is :-)

    As an aside- this is probably the 4th time I am posting this comment and it still hasn't got posted. Ash, I have been quite an avid visitor to this blog and the Yahoo groups for years before that. For the past few years, though, one aspect which is really detracting from my enjoyment of this blog is the massive time being taken to post comments. Many a time they don't even get posted at all. Ofc, as the owner of the blog it's your call whether you want to just put out post after post without audience engagement, but point being that why is your reCaptcha seemingly marking so many comments as spam even when they aren't? Something in the settings seems wrong, coz I can definitely assure that I haven't made any trolling/ abusive comments that need to be treated as spam.

    Moreover, in other blogs on blogspot with comments enabled either by Google login or Disqus, apart from an auto filter populated to detect spam (which are then flagged for the blog owners' approval), other comments are posted in near real-time, without a further moderation delay. This is what really boosts audience engagement and keeps the blog ticking. Over here, every single comment, even after clearing recpatcha, seems to be going to a pipeline for your moderation & approval. No wonder, this extreme delay.

  2. So, are you gonna tell us who it is? :-) My money is still om VD or Siddhant but let's see. Your lingering silence seems to suggest it's not actually a "popular young Bollywood hottie" at all but some total rando instead?
