Tuesday, October 24, 2023

Armaan Kohli: 90s hunk

If you google his name, allllll his controversies come up. The perils of fame. Of unrequited box-office love. Now 51 - and looking older - young Armaan was the new hot guy next door who was an amazing dancer with a strong jawline and a pretty decent hot bod. Then... oyve. bad choices galore. I don't know who made worse choices him or Aditya Pancholi, both who had everything going for them and then phussssssss, it all dissipated. Film family, producer's son, lead roles, he had everything going for him. But the 10th pass - barely so - just made dumb choices, one after the other. tsk.

He came around the same time Akshay Kumar did. Akki the health freak, who was a waiter in a dhaba in Bangkok. Look where he is now. Kismet? Fate? Ignore all his flops recently, Akshay Kumar is still leagues ahead of many happening stars and still laughing all the way to the bank. 

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