Sunday, October 1, 2023

John Abraham and Varun Dhawan strip down to their underwear: Akshay Kumar looks on: HOT clip

 John Abraham and Varun Dhawan in underwear: Akshay Kumar looks on... 

 Akshay Kumar, one of the biggest Bollywood stars, will to appear gay on the big screen, even if its for a cameo for an action film, for a friend(s), is incredible... and brave. You know how many top actors will not even try it to risk their public image, persona in the still wildly homophobic country (out n proud in the city - get into the interiors and get stoned to death, esp by that religion you're thinking of...)... 

Bravo to Akki. OG SBM icon. 

Average actor, great movie star, still hot as fackkkkkkk, Saw him leaving a hotel lobby the other day and omg, tall and handsome. wrinkly yes, but so what, at age 56, DILF! 

BTW this movie was fun - just saw it this year. needs a cute sequel. 

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