Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Hot body in tiny swimsuit on stage: Beauty pageants are ridic but fun


Hot body in tiny swimsuit on stage: Beauty pageants are ridic but fun. 

Ok so we got the pics and originally thought, oh finally a South Indian, possibly Tamil, dark-skinned, hot hot gorgeous man. But he's actually from Brazil (google reverse image search). 

If you're a shade of brown, do not 'fair and lovely' or 'fair and handsome' yerself. just OWN it. like this hot man does. work out, get great skin, a slick hair cut, a hot bod, and werkkkkkkkkk. 

lighter is not better. its just lighter. and ya know what, lighter skin wrinkles so damn fast. 

the amount of self-loathing and damage that has been down to the community, esp women, ugh. when they do the 'gori nahin saavi hai', 'its sad. Be brown and hot. and own ittttttttt

ok, off my soap box now.

oh and if you think Edward is cute - follow him. he's on instagram link below. 

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