Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Coming Soon: This Friday Release.

Attention Shirtless Bollywood Men fans; this Friday, we release our longest feature - with images obv - of the definite Shirtless Bollyood men list, gauging their popularity and power in 2020. With numbers and analytics.

We aren't just your source for eye candy and dandy musings. We do curated work for you man - for decades now. There's a reason why our numbers are bigger than...  everyone else's.

Why recently, we've had brands approach us for sponsorship and advertisement. we cannot la. once revealed who we are, even we are afraid lawyers will be after us! All the shit-talk we do, you know we've pissed off people in the past.

Hence this is a free site, free of adverts too. We do this for info-tainment. Nothing else.

PS: shoutout to John Abraham and his underwear strap above. yassssss hunty. yassssss.



  1. Ash you do such great work. Been following you since Yahoo Groups days. But please please.... keep a backup of all your archive. You don't want it to disappear like Yahoo groups and Tumblr accounts. You never know when Blogspot is going to collapse.

  2. I'm sure Ash is taking good care of his collection.

  3. First of all, big big big shout out to you guys. You are one of the best things on the internet. :)
    And tell me what won't I give to run my hands over a bare chested John Abraham? To feel his chest and biceps and triceps and underarms and tickle his oh my god nipples and each brick of his abs. O God! Those are some very lucky girls.

  4. All I can see is two girls feeling not just his chest but pressing his sexy nipples too. Indian films have so not captured the sexiness of male nipples yet. It is still such a taboo

  5. Sid sid sid. He has to be numero uno. I really don't know who else could top him. Even hrithik john akshay vidyut the blog favorites would be behind him.
