Thursday, April 9, 2020

SBM: Our stats: 34,000,000+ views!

And just like that we pass 34 million views! Thank you for following us for decades you guys.

We are still rockin' into 2020


  1. Congrats. :) Shout out. But seriously, this post to announce it?! Haha.

  2. Congratulations! In times of this lockdown SBM is what keeps us going. I keep checking it 10 times a day to see if there are any updates. So addictive.

  3. Salman is the ultimate hunk of Bollywood so :) He is even shirtless at the start of every Eros video annoying the ones who don't like seeing male skin LOL (I love it!)

    But decades? O_O When was this blog started?
