Thursday, April 23, 2020

Model naked. Nude hot brown man

If the title doesn't make much sense - its not meant to. Its for the algorithms and SEO!

So its rare to find real pics of professional male models posing nude from India (the ones that are online are horrific - its always the guys you NEVER want to see naked on twitter/instagram/social media) but these of brown belt origin foreign models seem to drop trou' at the drop of a hat! Cute. fit.

Hot brown men naked, well, nude...ish only at

PS: More of the above model in speedos at the beach and briefs and so on in earlier post here.  Model Suveer Ramsook, of Sri Lankan origin. 


  1. Fabulous! Mouse watering! Most attractive model. Thanks for posting. And thanks also to Mark Leighton photography.

  2. Not is he just super hot but also super funny. His tiktok videos are funny af. :D

  3. Also very cute. ;)
