Hellooooooooo DILF!! Dino Morea, one of the original Gladrags hunks, models that turned to film is still FIT AS FK! Damn he's hot. sooo hot. Following the sexy footsteps of the original Indian male supermodel Milind Soman (who at 50 plus in speedos will knock the socks out of anyone half his age), Dino Morea with his health and fitness initiative is still one of the hottest hunks on the planet. I mean wow. Him aging... ages us but he gives us hope 'cause damn even now he's got that rockin' body.
We hope he'll be brave enough to find his old speedos and don them and show us that he's still got 'it'! Hot hot. forever hot.
Hot Indian (well, half-Indian half-Italian!) hunks only at http://shirtlessbollywoodmen.blogspot.com/
Dino's face has seen better days but his body is stunning. Hot shot!